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What I Learned From YouTube About Antifa

So on nights like tonight when I am having a hard time going to sleep I watch YouTube. Tonight’s viewing were some Antifa protests at various locations. My observation in all the videos was this:

• Antifa members look like they still live in mom and dads basement.
• Antifa members seem to think bathing is only a once a month chore.
• The use of the “f word” seems to be their go to word when they can’t answer a question.
• The majority of the Antifa I saw on videos really didn’t know why they were protesting. They just liked being anti-everything.
• The really funny thing about Antifa is they want to be this big, bad group but everyone covers their face like scared toddlers. I guess they are afraid if mommy and daddy see them online or on TV their free ride will be over.

So my conclusion is I sincerely hope and pray that the next generation is a heckuva lot smarter than that bunch. If I ever run into an Antifa member you can bet you boots I will have to fight with all my power to not rip that mask off them!!!

Can’t stand for something and hide behind something at the same time.

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1 reply »

  1. I feel the same way. Cowards. Trouble makers. Who don’t know what to fight for. Who don’t inform their selfs. I want to rip that mask off too. Lol


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